Has anyone tried to play football when there is still frost on the ground? For those of us who are already bad at football, it gets about ten times worse. Oh yeah. To survive this terrible dilemna, you need to run slowly and steadily or else you will fall on your butt.... and there will be major grass stains. In some cases, you could even end up with a mud slick extending from the bottom of your pant leg to your butt. Not good. Unless of course, you like getting dirty, in which case, you should stop reading because I am going to keep complaining about mud, catching the football, etc. During a Grade Twelve football game, the ball is dropped many times. Shocking, I know. This makes the ball nice and wet, and perfect for catching! I suggest you catch the ball away from your face, or else it will slip through your hands and give you a nice red nose, swollen to three times normal size. Well, that's my life for today. See ya!
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