Is anyone out there superstitious? I am, to an extent. I mean, it's always nice to find a four-leaf clover, but can you really go your whole life without walking under a ladder? Seems kind of silly. I think that superstition plays with coincidence. If you believe bad things are going to happen on Friday the 13th, then, chances are, you will spend your whole day waiting for something bad to happen. Even if something small happens, like you have to write a test or something, than you associate it with the bad luck of Friday the 13th when it is really just a coincidence. I've done it before, silly as it is. In fact, I shall choose to blame Friday the 13th for the 12-minute run I had to do today in PE. Well, that's it for now. See-ya!
At 1:35 AM,
~*~Christine~*~ said…
I want that T-shirt
At 11:19 AM,
Ter bear!! said…
haha well i am so not superstisous because i just happen to be born on the 13th! of october! which just happens to be a friday this year!! lol and i have not been bad luck yet so i hope not everybody is afraid of friday the 13th! cause really i am not a bad person and lol just cause i am born on a friday the 13th does not make me bad luck!!
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