You know how movie stars are always getting their picture taken and having things (true or not) written about them by the paparazzi? Well, I've heard the paparazzi say things on TV, like those movie stars deserve all that because they got into the business knowing what it was like, but, to me, that doesn't really justify all the mean things they can do. How can you write things about a person's marriage without knowing the people? Why would you stake out a person's house waiting to get a mean, embarassing picture of them? The paparazzi really doesn't have a right to movie stars' personal lives; only they themselves do. I know not all journalists and photographers are like this, and the paparazzi, I'm sure you have your reasons for what you do, but I wish they'd think about people's feelings some more. Anyways, ciao for now.
At 2:59 PM,
LemonadeK said…
Good point, Tonya. I agree that the paparazzi go way over the line sometimes (most of the time) with how far they do to get "tell-tale" pictures. They probably break the law more than twice a day, and do they get punished?
At 6:52 PM,
myself101 said…
Yeah, sometimes they can get pretty scary about all of the information they know. I think some of the time the actors are actually giving them the information about themselves just to get the attention.
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