I tell you, this week has gone by so slow. I think it went by slower than the month of December. It's probably because I had to do a whole lot of presentation type stuff this week. On Thursday, I had to give a chemistry presentation on ionization energy, which wasn't too big of a deal; it was only five minutes. I was really nervous, though! You should have seen my hands shaking (which kind of sucked because I was trying to hold on to the paper I was reading from) ! On Thursday afternoon, our drama class had to put on a play, called Selma Goes Psychic, about a girl who decides to become a fortune teller instead of doing her schoolwork, and how her brother gets her to stop the phony fortune telling. I was really scared because I didn't know my lines very well, but it all turned out okay. We had a prompter shout out our lines to us if we forgot them :) And, Greg and Wayne, you guys were awesome! So once all that was over, I felt pretty good. Today was a good day, but still slow. I had to work after school, and that was okay cause I got to see one of the mechanics who had been at school for a while. I got a nasty papercut under my thumbnail from one of the sugar containers, though. It hurts like a you know what! Next week should be interesting.......one of the mechanics who used to work at the shop is supposedly coming back for a while to help out. I haven't seen him for a long time! Truth be told, I'm not sure I want to see him that much......but what can you do...... Well, I guess that's about it for now. See-ya!
At 7:13 PM,
.:.Katie.:. said…
Harry Potter RULES! LoL and you did good so I still don't see why you were all nerveous.
LOVE YA TONZ! your awesome gurl!
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