The Super Dramatic Life of a Grade Twelver

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Well, I was pretty bored about two minutes ago, and I just finished my other blog and don't have too much to say now, so I took some personality quizzes. I'm sure you will all find this awfully interesting, so I'm going to tell you about some of my results. (And, if I can figure it out, I might put the links to some of them on my blog.) Dude, I took a Sesame Street quiz to find out which character I am, and it appears that I am cookie monster. That seems about right, as i like junk food way too much. I also found out which exteme sport I should try......sandboarding. Sounds pretty sweet, except when you hit the ground probably. I'm not too into having sand up my nose. I also found out that my true birth month is in January.......which is strange since I was born in July. The description suits me pretty well, except I'm not always hard-working........ I am also Jean Grey from X-Men. Those of you who don't know what X-Men is.....ask Alex, he'll probably know. Anyways, I put the links for some of the ones I did, and there are tons more on that website, so hopefully it all works out for you. Ciao for now.


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