This was a long week! There seemed to be a lot things that had to get done. I didn't get a lot of my Geography done this week, which isn't good...but I have a hard time understanding topographic maps and their scales! It also isn't good when the map is in the duotang and the part you need to measure is kind of folded in there. I would have taken it out and looked at it properly, but all the pages are stapled together. Thanks open learning center....jeez! An advisor from TRU came to talk to us one day too. She gave me a lot of advice about what classes I should take when I go there, and which ones will help me with journalism, but I'm still majorly confused about how to make my timetable. I'm hoping to make all my classes in the morning, so I can have some afternoons off. I'm not really a morning person, but I figure it's best to get them done so I can work or whatever in the afternoons. We made a jelly roll in home-ec class today! It was really good. I actually helped a lot with the making, so that was pretty cool. I learned how to fold flour into egg whites, so if anyone wants to know about that I can probably help you haha. Anyways, I guess that's it for now. See-ya!
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