Today is Monday. Monday, Monday, Monday. This week should in theory go by really fast, since we have two days where we get off early, and I won't be here one day, but I know it won't. This day has already gone by really slow, since I don't have any work to do in Geography. I have to wait for my Module 4, and I left my Module 2 at home so I can't study for my test. So ya, I pretty much talked to Sambo the whole time in my other block, but I'm on my own for this one. I have to go to work after school, and I am pretty sure I will have to wash cars. That is my least favorite job working there. I would rather pull weeds. Nuff said. I hope Trev will drag the hose out to the front of the yard cause it is friggen heavy and covered in mud most of the time. Anyhoo, besides complaining about work, and other various aspects of school, there is not too much happening. Oh, there was a cheese testing lab in home-ec today. The blue cheese was kind of sick, I mean it wasn't terrible, but it definitely wouldn't be something I would eat on a daily basis. The goat cheese was just downright nasty. I wasn't expeting it to be so soft, which threw me off, and it tasted kind of like skim milk with a kick. Not the most pleasant cheese in the world. Monterey was the best. Well, The Apprentice had its finale yesterday, and Stefanie won. I'm glad because she was really smart and very good at organizing things. She gets to work in the Caribbean! Lucky her! That would be awesome to go to the Caribbean, but I have a long list of places I would rather go. For example, Saskatchewan, which might happen thanks to Chrissy! Yay! BATON ROADTRIP!! I can't wait! Oh, I also got my grad pictures done the other day, and they turned out alright. I like how the hairdresser did my hair :) I wish I had naturally curly hair. My cousin does and it annoys me so much when she straightens it. Doesn't she know how lucky she is? Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
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