Well, it is almost time for Easter. I can't believe it! It seems like we were just on spring break and now it's Easter! This week went by really fast. The fact that we got Friday off probably helped with that. I'm getting close to finishing my Geography; I'm almost done Module 3, and then I just have one more module to finish. I tell you though, time really slows down when you're doing Geography. I could have sworn one time when I was working, I thought I'd been working for at least an hour, but no, it had only been fifteen minutes. I'm reading Catcher in the Rye for English class, and it isn't too bad. I think the only reason it's good though is the main character. There's not much action or anything. I really liked when we read The Outsiders for English in Grade 8. That was my favorite novel study. There was also this Easter coloring contest for our high school this week and I won a prize for it! I was pretty happy. The prize was this chocolate bunny (it's in the picture), and I don't even want to eat it now....it's too cute...it has a bell and everything! I want it to stay a bunny forever! My boss made fun of me for it, because her grandaughter had just won a coloring contest, and she's three. The mechanic who works there then proceeded to pick it up, and he had grease all over his hands! Anyways, the bunny's sitting in the fridge right now, waiting for Easter. That's about it for now I guess. Bye!
At 2:24 PM,
myself101 said…
Yaa!!! Chocolate. Easter is one of my favorite holidays. I can't wait.
At 12:42 PM,
~*~Christine~*~ said…
hahahahaha... nice bunny! You're a nerd by the way :P.... just a random comment from a random best friend.
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