Today is Thursday, but it seems like the last day of school before spring break. On Friday, a bunch of people are going on a school ski and snowboard trip, so there shouldn't be a lot of people at school. I like snowboarding, but I really didn't feel like dealing with it, so I decided not to go. Last time I went I only made it to the half T, so that wasn't very good. I fell a lot, but after a while I got the hang of it. Anyways, hopefully my brother does better than I did. We have an assembly last class today too. Its during English, and I think it's about awards or something. I don't really like awards assemblies; I like when someone comes to present something or one of the classes in school does a play. It's funner then. So I finished my book, That was Then, This is Now. It was pretty good, and Ponyboy from The Outsiders even made an appearance. I can't decide which book by S.E. Hinton is my favorite; The Outsiders or Tex. I want to see the movie for Tex. It's probably pretty good. I have to work today too....fun stuff. Well, I guess that's it for now. Bye!
At 9:42 PM,
myself101 said…
I'm about half way through Tex. It's pretty good, but I forgot it in my locker so I'll finish it after Spring Break.
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