Well, pretty soon we will be going on the grad trip! I can't wait to go to Playland and Metrotown Mall! It's going to be so awesome. I hope we get to see Spiderman 3 in the Imax theatre too...that would be awesome! Anyways, not too much else has been happening...I am kind of wondering whether it will be sunny or rainy today. The sun's shining through the clouds, but the clouds still look dark. I hope it's not sunny here the whole week we leave for the grad trip, and then when we get back it's raining. That would just be unfair, unless it's nice where we are going :) In English, we are reading Hamlet. It is alright; it is a lot like Catcher in the Rye, which makes me wonder if J.D. Salinger was thinking about the play Hamlet when he wrote it. I liked when our biology class went and watched Hamlet for the Bard on the Beach. The actors were really good, and watching the play kind of helps me understand reading it better. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
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