See? What did I tell you? Our teacher has decided to have us write one last blog. So here it is....a reflection on Writing 12 class. This class has been one of the most interesting classes this semester, mostly because we get to do a lot of fun stuff that isn't quite as heavy as chemistry 12 work or geography 12 work. Taking photos had to be one of the best parts of the class, although making newsletters was pretty fun. In what other class could we go out and take pictures the whole time? Pretty fun. I learned a lot about photography, including how to use my camera properly. I also learned a lot about layout in newspapers, and that is a good thing because I didn't know much when I started. Anyways, I guess that's it. This doesn't count as my final blog for the course either...the last one was. Anyways, bye for now!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Well, it has been a strange and interesting week. On Monday, I had two tests. I took a Geography test and then went and took my driving test. I was nervous about taking the driving test, but it turns out that it wasn't so bad after all. I actually did good on my parallel parking, and I passed! The rest of the week, we had a guest speaker in writing. She was talking about First Nations history and residential schools, and how they are using writing and other forms of art as a creative outlet for their pain. At first, I was a little confused, because the class was supposed to be on creativity, and we were only being told about residential schools. I also didn't fully agree with some of the things she was saying, like how white people should allow themselves to feel bad when we are told about what happened in First Nations history. The reason I felt this was because we personally are not the ones who made the First Nations live in residential schools. The next couple of days though, I started to understand better. Something that she said was that just because you are of the same race doesn't mean you have to identify with the opressor. That meaning that just because we are white doesn't mean we have to identify with the people who had put the First Nations in residential schools and treated them badly, and who left the First Nations needing to heal from the emotional and physical abuse. What I understood was all she wanted us to do was listen. She wanted us to hear the stories of the First Nations so at least we would have both sides of the story of what happened. That fits in really well with Journalism because you can't let your opinions and personal feelings tie you down. You have to present information accurately, and give fair representation of both sides, without bias. So what I would say to people who find themselves hearing opinions different from their own is to try and listen. If you give it a while and you still don't find yourself agreeing or even on the same page, at least you tried and you know what someone else's view is, not just your own. You also may get a better collective view.
Another thing that we have been doing this week is decorating for the grad. I went for a few days, and the last I saw of the gym looked pretty good. I was watching my cousin's grad and it just was so boring and long. Everyone looked the same and it was pretty impersonal. I like the cap and gowns; they look pretty snazzy, but everything else just made me glad I go to a small school where we can put up decorations and have a personal thing about the grads as they are walking up to get their diplomas. I can't even imagine having three hundred kids in a grad class. That is just crazy. I was even wondering about the amount of kids in one of my college courses, the amount of kids being more than the actual number of kids in our school.
So this could be my last blog, unless our teacher decides to have us write some more, or I decide to write some in college! Who knows? Anyways, this has been fun, and tedious at times, but mostly fun. Who doesn't like to just have a place where they can write about what's bugging them? It's like free therapy! Hope everyone has a great grad. I'm going to miss this school, mostly because there are some pretty unique personalities found here, and I'm going to miss everyone when they go their seperate ways. You get used to people, and now I'm going to have to go off and get used to a whole new set of people! Anyways, good luck everyone! I wish you well, whatever you end up doing. I have a feeling I'll be talking to you again though :) Bye for now!
Sunday, June 10, 2007

So, not too much happening today. I had to study for my Geography test, then I went driving. I finally just bought the newest Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants book because I wanted to read it so much and it is really good so far. I watched the movie of the first one the other day, and they changed a lot from the book. I don't know why they changed some of the parts, other than it seemed to make the movie more marketable, I guess. I don't really like when directors change parts in books just because they think it will help it sell. I can understand if they need to edit some things out for time issues, but, other than that... Anyways the Traveling Pants books are really good books about friendship. The girls in the books have to work to stay friends once they are apart and can't see each other so much. The pants kind of help them keep in touch, in a way. Well, thank goodness for friends, and hopefully I'll keep in touch with my friends once we go off to college and wherever. Bye for now.
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hey everyone! Well this has been a strange week, and it went by really fast! I can't believe it's June, and we'll all be going off our seperate ways in September! It is happening sooooo fast. I am not one of those people who are good with change so this is very weird for me. I also like to put things off for as long as possible. Anyways, on a completely unrelated note, have you ever found that some movies are better the second time around? I was watching Cheaper By The Dozen today, and I actually liked it a lot, compared to the first time I watched it and didn't like it very much. I would love to have a big family like would be so much fun! Anyways, those are my thoughts for now. Remi, I hope you are feeling better, and Guitanna too! Bye for now.
Sunday, June 03, 2007

It's June, which means I only have a couple of weeks before high school is over for good. I'm not sure if that's a bad thing or not yet, but I will be glad to not have to write so many blogs anymore. Twice a week is too much! I went swimming today in Green Lake, and it was freezing! It's to be expected, but still, the fact that it is warm enough for swimming is a shock in itself. I don't think I am made for warm weather. It makes me lazy and not want to do anything. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
Saturday, June 02, 2007

Today, in an effort to fight the heat, I went to Kamloops. As I look back, going to Kamloops was probably a good idea, as most of the places I went were air conditioned, unlike my room. Actually, I didn't actually go to Kamloops to fight the heat. I went because I wanted to see Shrek 3, and buy stuff. Shrek 3 wasn't too bad, but it didn't have the same type of humor as the other two. It had its funny moments though! I also accomplished my goal of buying stuff. I actually bought a book, one of the few book series that I read, Gossip Girl. Oh, and for people who have read those books before and liked them, there is going to be a TV show of it on the CW in the fall. Hopefully it'll be good, because I am getting kind of tired of One Tree Hill. Don't get me wrong, I still like it, but it's gotten weird. Come on, Lucas with a gun? Anyways, that's about it for now. Bye!
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Well, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End was definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm so sad that was the last Pirates movie! They should make more! Johnny Depp was awesome as Captain Jack Sparrow, as per usual. Definitely the best pirate in my books. (Barbosa was sweet too, though. He talks like a real pirate!) Keira Knightley as Elizabeth was awesome. Everyone had to go through a weapons search before they went into a building and all the guys have to get rid of their one gun or whatever, and she pulls out like five guns and a bomb. I don't want to say too much more because I'll give something away, but you definitely have to go check out Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End. There is an awesome part near the end, and if you're a fan, you should get it. I actually didn't even mind Orlando Bloom as Will either. I didn't like him as much as the other characters in the first two movies, but he was good in this one. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!