Well, Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End was definitely one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm so sad that was the last Pirates movie! They should make more! Johnny Depp was awesome as Captain Jack Sparrow, as per usual. Definitely the best pirate in my books. (Barbosa was sweet too, though. He talks like a real pirate!) Keira Knightley as Elizabeth was awesome. Everyone had to go through a weapons search before they went into a building and all the guys have to get rid of their one gun or whatever, and she pulls out like five guns and a bomb. I don't want to say too much more because I'll give something away, but you definitely have to go check out Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End. There is an awesome part near the end, and if you're a fan, you should get it. I actually didn't even mind Orlando Bloom as Will either. I didn't like him as much as the other characters in the first two movies, but he was good in this one. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
At 2:54 PM,
myself101 said…
I want to see it so badly, thanks for not telling us too much.
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