Well, the grad trip was awesome! Going to Vancouver is always nice, but it's even more fun going with a big group. We went to a lot of places, including playland, which was sooo fun! I love rollercoasters!! The wooden rollercoaster was definitely my favorite...Chrissy and I went on that five times I think. I also went on this ride called Revelations with Chrissy, and, let me tell you, that was a crazy ride! It spun around so much it's a good thing I didn't eat before I went on it. Not that I usually get sick on rides, but that would have been the exception! Remi and I went on this ride called Drop Zone...it was so scary! We were in harnesses, and lifted up above ground, then released. It was like bungee jumping except we didn't fall straight down; we were sort of swung out. Remi had to practically pry her arm from mine I was holding on so tight! I also won a cow at Playland, it was pretty cool! I think it's a cow...it could be a donkey.. We also got to go shopping a lot on our trip. Metrotown mall was pretty fun. I got to see Spiderman 3 again there, and I love that movie! I was so disappointed with people in the theatre though...they were laughing at all the wrong places, when it was supposed to be serious! My dad said that means the movie wasn't very good, but I don't believe him. Anyways, I will probably talk more about the trip later. Oh.. I saw a Tiffany's when we were in Vancouver! I didn't even know they had a Tiffany's. For those of you who don't know, it is a jewellery store, and I just want to go in it because it reminds me of Breakfast at Tiffany's...you know...the movie! Well, that's it for now. Bye!
At 4:55 PM,
~*~Christine~*~ said…
We didn't go on the Wooden Rollar Coaster 5 times... we only went on 3 times!...
We went on Baywatch 5 times.
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