The Super Dramatic Life of a Grade Twelver

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Today, during our art class, which is actually drama, we went down to the elementary school to watch the kids' Christmas concert. There were 5 plays/songs and they were all really good! The playschool kids went first, and sang a song. They were so cute! They had to hold up signs during the song, and one little boy dropped his and got all worried about what he should do. It was so cute! Then, the kindergarten danced to a song called "Reindeer Love to Boogie". They had to hula and boogie. They were adorable! The 2/3 class came next and did sign language christmas carols. They had music, and sang along with it while they made the sign language equivalents with their hands. It was really good, and one of the songs was really pretty but I don't know what it was called! The next class was grade 4/5 and they did a play called "The Magic Apple", I believe. It was a very good play that showed the spirit of Christmas and it had really nice backdrops. The last play was done by the grade 6/7's, and it was a funny play about all the mishaps that happened to Santa while he was trying to deliver presents. It was really funny, especially when Santa got fined by a police officer for not having any headlights on his sleigh. At the end of the shows, all of the kids were standing in front of the audience, about to sing a song I think, when one of the kids fell off of the steps into the Christmas tree that was off to the side! Thankfully the kid wasn't hurt, but it was really funny, especially since the tree just about fell over! Anyways, the elementary school put on a really good Christmas concert. Good job guys!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Does anyone watch Survivor? I told you I watch a lot of TV.....first I was talking about So You Think You Can Dance and now Survivor haha. Anyways, for those of you who don't watch it, it's this show where 15 or so people get dropped off on an island and have to survive for 30 days, I think it is. They are separated into teams and compete in challenges every week. The losing team has to vote off one of their team members. Now, this season, the producers decided to separate the people based on race, as a kind of social experiment. At first, I thought this would be a bad idea, as it might lead people to make stereotypes about the groups. As the game progressed though, the players made alliances with people outside of their original teams, and some players said that they worked hard to change people's stereotypes of their groups. The players said that in the end, they bonded with people who had the same objectives in the game overall, not because of their race, and that stereotypes aren't fair. One Mexican man, Ozzy, had said that he was trying to overcome some stereotypes people had about Latin people by working hard to be a provider for his teams. It's great that he worked hard, but the thing is, he shouldn't have had to overcome a general opinion about Mexicans in the first place. Stereotypes aren't fair, as all people, no matter what race, have different personalities and traits, which can't be generalized. I think that this Survivor taught people many lessons other than how to survive in the wild.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Benji Schwimmer & Travis Wall - Dork Dance (Hip Hop)

Here's the dance that Travis and Benji did that I was talking about in one of my earlier blogs :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Best Of Will Kirby BB7 #39

Chill Town rocks! Dr. Will and Boogie are the best :)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Does anyone out there watch So You Think You Can Dance when it's on? I had never watched it before the last season in the summer and it was awesome! It was better than Dancing With the Stars because the dancers on this show are all really good dancers ......... except for in auditions when this one guy basically walked around the stage and was all proud of himself for doing such a good job of "dancing" . It does take guts to go up on stage, but when three professional dance judges tell you that you suck, it's time to throw in the towel. Anyways, the routines were always great, and one of my favorites was one that Travis and Benji did where they pretended to be nerds who all of a sudden start dancing hip hop. It was funny! There's a picture of them at the top haha. Yeah, all of the dancers in the top 10 were actually really good. Allison and Ivan did a really good contempory routine. Contempory, to me, is like ballet, except less structured. They're on the bottom. All of the dancers made dancing look like so much fun! It's definitely hard work, though. Well, see-ya for now!

Monday, December 11, 2006

So we had all of our grad activities over the weekend, and now they are finito, at least until the New Year's Dance, which we can't really go to, just our parents. We decorated the hall for the West Fraser dinner last Thursday, which was pretty straightforward. Set up chairs and tables and decorate anything that looks boring. So we hung up stars from the ceiling and hung tree ornaments on lamps and taped tinsel around the doors. It looked pretty good after we were done. Last Saturday, we had to wash dishes after people were done their dinner. Again, pretty straightforward, and let me just say that Ross was a dish washing machine! For someone who claims to have never washed dishes in his life....... Anyways, we got through that and even got a Pepsi as a souvenir! Last Sunday, we had to clean up the hall. Most of it was pretty clean, except for one table who seemed to have either had a chip food fight or missed their mouths a lot when eating. There was also supposedly tobacco juice on one of the toilet seats....... gross! So glad I didn't have to clean that up. So that was that for all activities relating to West Fraser......... until next dinner party......... Bye for now!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Today, our school had its annual Christmas banquet. It was a little early this year (I'm not really sure why) , but it went really well. Most of the cooking for the banquet was done by parents and some of the grade 11 and 12 students. Good job guys! I helped wash dishes and did some decorations :) Kids had invited their grandparents and seniors to the dinner, as with every year, and hopefully they had a good time. We couldn't just have a dinner, we had to have some entertainment too, so there were contests to win prizes, such as a trivia and paper tree decorating contest. Also, unexpectedly, there was a fire drill! Everyone had to head outside, and it turned out one of the plumbers working in the school had accidentally set the fire alarm off. Don't pull red levers marked "fire alarm" guys! Anyways, we all headed back inside and then my Creative Movement and Voice class put on a play called "Sorry, Wrong Number". It went really well. We got a lot of laughs, which surprised me because I didn't get the jokes until we were actually performing on stage ( call me blonde). Anyways, that's all for now! See-ya!

Monday, December 04, 2006

I sometimes wonder what it would be like to go to a bigger school. I mean, my school has its good points, but I can't help but wonder what it would be like at a high school with a population of over 70 students. I think I would probably get lost the first day at a high school like this, because I am used to the beautiful simplicity of my school's one hallway, which all classrooms branch off of. My friend who goes to a school with hundreds of students told me one day that her high school has at least two floors. I just about fell over in shock. What ever would a high school need two floors for? I guess we do have a basement, but I wouldn't recommend going down there as I am pretty sure that's where David Stoddart's spider community makes its home, with ocassional visits from the squirrels. My friend also informed me that you pretty much come to expect people stepping on the backs of you feet, as there is little room for hundreds of kids in the hallways. I have grown used to the roomy hallway which my school calls its own, and probably would have claustrophobic tendencies in this new hallway. Our school also has a lovely hill which makes walking down to the local supermarket a breeze, but makes for quite a difficult walk up. I'm sure no other school, no matter the population, can boast of this fine asset. I guess when it comes down to it, no other school can quite compare to my school.......I just haven't figured out if that's a good or bad thing yet. See-ya!