Friday, March 30, 2007

Well, it seems as if a lot of people have seen Ghost Rider. I saw it over spring break and I loved it!! It was so awesome. I didn't really want to go see it because I'm not the biggest fan of Nicolas Cage ever since he was in this movie where he talked as if someone was pinching his nose the whole time, but it was actually really good! I would definitely go see it again. The bike stunts were pretty sweet too! I know they were probably all fake, but it looked cool so it doesn't matter! The sweetest was when he did this one stunt where he had to jump over a few helicopters with his motorbike. I think the song that was playing while he did that was Crazy Train and it was just awesome. Actually I guess I shouldn't have said that I wasn't a fan of Nicolas Cage earlier because I loved the movie Matchstick Men and Gone in 60 Seconds, and he was like the main character in both of those. So I guess I lied. It happens. Anyways, this week was pretty normal. It went by really fast though. I suspect the next few months are going to go by pretty fast, seeing as how we're going to be graduating pretty soon. That's good in a way, because then we're done with the work and tests for a while, but it's bad because then you have to say bye to your friends. I'm sure I'll still see them, but it won't be the same as when I see them everyday at school. That's what happened when one of my friends moved away. Someone said that the best friends you'll ever have are the ones in high school. Does that mean you'll never make really good friends the rest of your life, or you'll just keep your high school friends forever? Something to think about I guess. Maybe you make good friends, but it's different than your high school friends because in high school you see each other all the time, without having to make a lot of effort. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

For Journalism class we had to take three types of pictures as an assignment. One had to draw your eye across the picture somehow, one had to be divided into thirds, and one had to be from a different angle. The one of my stair railing draws your eye down the railing because it is the prominent part of the picture. The picture of the main street in Clinton is divided into thirds in a way because the road is one section, the mountains are another section, and the sky is another. The picture I took from a different angle is one I had on blogger already, but it is my favorite. It is of a basketball net from beneath. Anyways, those are some pictures produced from Journalism class so far. Bye!
Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hey! What's happenin? It's finally spring break!! I went to Kamloops yesterday and got new shoes for grad. I had some other ones but these are way nicer. The heel isn't too high... I have a feeling I'm going to be going to Kamloops a lot this week. Hopefully I will get to go tomorrow, but it's supposed to snow, so we'll see how that goes. I really want to go to Starbucks! I have to go to Kamloops again on Thursday and Friday, to get my dress fitted. That's not going to be very fun, but I guess it has to be done. I'm glad my boss is really flexible about when I work! Today was a pretty normal day though. I had to do some Geography of course. I'm almost done module 2, so as long as i finish that and module 3 in April, I should be good. I think Geography is one of those courses that would be funner with a teacher. Then they could take the class outside and show examples of what the text is talking about. I'm also going to book my driver's test soon, and I'll probably get in for next month or the month after. I'm scared about that, but I really want my N! I'm having a lot of fun with the picture assignment for writing too! The picture is one of the ones I took of a basketball net from a different angle than usual. Anyways, got to go! Bye!
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Today is Thursday, but it seems like the last day of school before spring break. On Friday, a bunch of people are going on a school ski and snowboard trip, so there shouldn't be a lot of people at school. I like snowboarding, but I really didn't feel like dealing with it, so I decided not to go. Last time I went I only made it to the half T, so that wasn't very good. I fell a lot, but after a while I got the hang of it. Anyways, hopefully my brother does better than I did. We have an assembly last class today too. Its during English, and I think it's about awards or something. I don't really like awards assemblies; I like when someone comes to present something or one of the classes in school does a play. It's funner then. So I finished my book, That was Then, This is Now. It was pretty good, and Ponyboy from The Outsiders even made an appearance. I can't decide which book by S.E. Hinton is my favorite; The Outsiders or Tex. I want to see the movie for Tex. It's probably pretty good. I have to work today too....fun stuff. Well, I guess that's it for now. Bye!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007

Well, it's Sunday once again. I can't say it's been an overly exciting week, but maybe sometimes that's a good thing. I read a really good book this week. I got really sick of reading for a while, but I read a few good ones lately. Tex, by S.E. Hinton was a pretty good book. I'm going to read another of hers: That was Then, This is Now. Hopefully it's good too. I went to Kamloops the other day, and went to the Horse Barn just to look around, and there were these boots that cost almost $200! That's pretty expensive for a piece of cowhide! In fact, that could pay for a few of my college textbooks. Between you and me, I'd rather have the boots, but what can you do. I didn't really do much else in Kamloops, but I did find some shoes for grad. They're pretty low and kind of like sandals, so hopefully that should reduce the risk of me falling all over the place. Anyways that's it for now. This is the last week till spring break!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Well, it's another day at school, a Tuesday to be specific. Nothing much is happening today. We just had English, and now I'm in writing class. English was good because we didn't get much homework :) I like the book I'm reading too: Shane. It's pretty good. I could have read it in Grade 9 for our novel study, but I read The Chrysalids instead. If you ever want to read a strange book, that'd be the one. Anyways, yesterday I had to work, and my boss was so mean! He knows I like mustangs so he's like I have so many mustangs in my yard I'm gonna start giving them away, and he looks straight at me! He was joking and then he started laughing. So mean! One day I'm gonna get a '65 mustang. Work was pretty much the same otherwise. I told the other mechanic about what I was learning about in geography and he seemed fascinated by the subject.....not! I'm learning about soil for goodness sakes. I'm still counting down to spring break....it starts next Friday!!!!!!
Friday, March 02, 2007

Today is going by very slow. It is only second class. Yesterday went by fast, because I got to go home for my geography blocks in the afternoon. It isn't really a class anyway, I just work on it by correspondence. Most of the kids in my class are in in a presentation right now about BC Hydro. It sounded interesting, but I wanted to get my newletter article done. I was supposed to write about What's Your Beef, which is what annoys people or things that they think are unfair. Nobody wrote any beefs though, so that kind of sucked. Hopefully something will annoy someone for next month. I can't wait until spring break! It's so close, but so far away! I think I will get my grad dress during spring break. I just have to get shoes, and then the dress people can hem it to the length needed with my shoes on. I don't know if I'm going to get very high shoes.....that might be scary, especially if stairs or ramps are invloved during the grad...Anyways, that's it for now. See-ya!