Well, as a grade twelver, I need to have a job to finance all the CD's, junk food, and DVD's I buy. When I was about fourteen, I applied for a job at a car shop cleaning the office and cars, etc. My friend applied with me so it wasn't so scary. We both got a job there, and I have worked there ever since. It's kind of sad, really. My friend left about three months ago, and found a new job, but I still work there. Two mechanics have come and gone since I have been there. One I liked, the other I didn't..... Anyways, I like my boss and the people I work with. Bye for now!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Well, as a grade twelver, I need to have a job to finance all the CD's, junk food, and DVD's I buy. When I was about fourteen, I applied for a job at a car shop cleaning the office and cars, etc. My friend applied with me so it wasn't so scary. We both got a job there, and I have worked there ever since. It's kind of sad, really. My friend left about three months ago, and found a new job, but I still work there. Two mechanics have come and gone since I have been there. One I liked, the other I didn't..... Anyways, I like my boss and the people I work with. Bye for now!
Being a grad is really busy. You know how I talked about how we had to make apple pies before? Well, we had to do that again yesterday. This time, I made it through without injuring myself, which is surprising since we didn't have apple peelers this time. We had to use paring knives, or whatever they're called. Today I'm supposed to be helping with the actual making of pies, but I have to go work at the car shop (more about that later). Tomorrow, we have a bingo, which starts at six, and I don't know how long it goes..... Well, ciao for now. If you're a grad, I hope you're a lot less busy.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
You know how movie stars are always getting their picture taken and having things (true or not) written about them by the paparazzi? Well, I've heard the paparazzi say things on TV, like those movie stars deserve all that because they got into the business knowing what it was like, but, to me, that doesn't really justify all the mean things they can do. How can you write things about a person's marriage without knowing the people? Why would you stake out a person's house waiting to get a mean, embarassing picture of them? The paparazzi really doesn't have a right to movie stars' personal lives; only they themselves do. I know not all journalists and photographers are like this, and the paparazzi, I'm sure you have your reasons for what you do, but I wish they'd think about people's feelings some more. Anyways, ciao for now.
You know what? Sugar makes you really hyper. I had a bottle of Sprite before art class, and I was having a really hard time concentrating. I think most teachers would agree that kids should not be allowed sugar before they have classes. It can cause problems. The worst is when art class is after lunch, and this guy in my class has had a whole ton of junk food before class (he knows who he is) and he's sooooooo hyper. He was playing the drums with his pencil on the table before. I think having sugar/junk food in school is a debatable issue. I mean, some teachers would appreciate students who weren't sugar crashing all the time, but some students feel that if you take that away, then you're kind of taking away some of our freedom. Anyways, just something to think about. See-ya!
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Well, as a grade twelver, I am required to participate in grad fundraisers. These fundraisers raise money for grad decorations, grad trip, and such. Unfortunately for our first fundraiser we had to make pies. I don't know anything about cooking, so I was given the super fun task of peeling apples. In the first few minutes, I managed to cut myself twice. I managed to make it through the rest of the three hours without gravely injuring myself or anyone around me. Hope your grad fundraisers go just as well. Ciao for now.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Blogs are fun at first, but after a while, you run out of things to say. So, today I'm going to talk about thanksgiving, even though it was a while ago. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because you get to eat a ton of food. Pumpkin pie is the best! I love how after you eat your turkey, you feel like you can never eat again, but then you have like two pieces of pie two seconds later. It's awesome. Did anyone ever watch the Friends episode where Joey ate the whole turkey?
Friday, October 13, 2006
Is anyone out there superstitious? I am, to an extent. I mean, it's always nice to find a four-leaf clover, but can you really go your whole life without walking under a ladder? Seems kind of silly. I think that superstition plays with coincidence. If you believe bad things are going to happen on Friday the 13th, then, chances are, you will spend your whole day waiting for something bad to happen. Even if something small happens, like you have to write a test or something, than you associate it with the bad luck of Friday the 13th when it is really just a coincidence. I've done it before, silly as it is. In fact, I shall choose to blame Friday the 13th for the 12-minute run I had to do today in PE. Well, that's it for now. See-ya!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Does anyone out there watch way too much TV? Well, I do. It's actually really stupid when you think about it. We have enough problems of our own, why would we want to watch made-up characters with made-up problems on TV? Reality TV isn't even really reality; the producers add their little twists to real-life scenarios. But try telling me that when I'm watching One Tree Hill or Big Brother. People shouldn't even talk to me, because, chances are, I'm not listening. I'm way too into Lucas and Brooke's drama, or Dr. Will's evil plots. For those of you who watch those shows, you know what I mean. TV is probably a waste of time, but I haven't figured out a way to cut this addiction yet. If you figure it out, then you're probably a better person than I am, or you are living in a tunnel with no access to TV. Ciao for now.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Well, I'm glad you can't hear me talk today! I have a cold and try saying certain letters when you have a cold. Hello sounds like heddo, and no sounds like doh. It's also kind of difficult in class when you have to cough, but the teacher is giving a lecture. You don't want to start hacking away, or else you'll never stop, but people also look at you strangely when you're covering your mouth, with your face turning red, making weird throat noises. Anyways, hope everyone handles their colds better than I do! See-ya!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Has anyone tried to play football when there is still frost on the ground? For those of us who are already bad at football, it gets about ten times worse. Oh yeah. To survive this terrible dilemna, you need to run slowly and steadily or else you will fall on your butt.... and there will be major grass stains. In some cases, you could even end up with a mud slick extending from the bottom of your pant leg to your butt. Not good. Unless of course, you like getting dirty, in which case, you should stop reading because I am going to keep complaining about mud, catching the football, etc. During a Grade Twelve football game, the ball is dropped many times. Shocking, I know. This makes the ball nice and wet, and perfect for catching! I suggest you catch the ball away from your face, or else it will slip through your hands and give you a nice red nose, swollen to three times normal size. Well, that's my life for today. See ya!