Monday, February 26, 2007

Today is Monday, and I have about ten minutes left until school is out. Today was a pretty normal day. We got an interesting assignment in English today. It's kind of like writing a story, and writing stories is a lot more interesting than writing essays on given topics. We had a presentation on human rights today, instead of journalism class. The presentation will be part of a three day presentation which follows human rights and rights of children. Some of the people in our class got to miss the presentation, since they are 18, and no longer children under the eyes of the law. The presentation was alright, and I learned some interesting things. Did you know that the United States still practices the death penalty, and to children as young as 16? That's not right to me. Sixteen year olds are still children and their actions can be accounted for and they can still change. The death penalty is very questionable to me. How can you expect to acheive justice by way of killing someone? Anyways, that's it for now. See-ya!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Today, I had to go to work. I had to clean the office desk, which tends to collect a lot of dust, being near the bay where the mechanics work. It actually went pretty well. I only hit my head on the desk once, and I didn't get any dirt on my face. I did manage to short out a breaker or something, though. Apparently the power circuits couldn't handle the vacuum, coffee machine, and water cooler all in the same area. Anyways, it was fixed easily by my boss, so it's all good. He was working on a really cool Mustang, but it is a long way from being done. He's still on the frame, so yeah. The rest of the day, my dad tried to explain some of my Geography to me. I have a lot of problems with topographic maps and scale. Next, I get to learn about earthquakes and volcanoes, so that should be a lot more interesting. I thought learning about maps would be more interesting, but the maps aren't of very exciting places. I can't wait until Spring Break! I think our school has two or three weeks left, something like that. It should be fun. I wish I was going to Miami. I can't believe it's almost Spring Break anyways! It seems like not too long ago I was opening Christmas presents! Well, bye for now!

Friday, February 23, 2007

This was a long week! There seemed to be a lot things that had to get done. I didn't get a lot of my Geography done this week, which isn't good...but I have a hard time understanding topographic maps and their scales! It also isn't good when the map is in the duotang and the part you need to measure is kind of folded in there. I would have taken it out and looked at it properly, but all the pages are stapled together. Thanks open learning center....jeez! An advisor from TRU came to talk to us one day too. She gave me a lot of advice about what classes I should take when I go there, and which ones will help me with journalism, but I'm still majorly confused about how to make my timetable. I'm hoping to make all my classes in the morning, so I can have some afternoons off. I'm not really a morning person, but I figure it's best to get them done so I can work or whatever in the afternoons. We made a jelly roll in home-ec class today! It was really good. I actually helped a lot with the making, so that was pretty cool. I learned how to fold flour into egg whites, so if anyone wants to know about that I can probably help you haha. Anyways, I guess that's it for now. See-ya!
Sunday, February 18, 2007

This week has been pretty good. It actually went by pretty fast, and yesterday I got to go shopping. I went with my parents and we were deciding where we should go, and my mom thought we should go to some dress shops to look for grad dresses. I was not impressed. I mean I like looking at dresses, but bridal dress shops creep me out, mostly because the sales people follow you everywhere! Well anyways, we ended up in this one shop, and one of the sales people picked out a dress for me. I was like, oh my lord, because it was a really pouffy and I did not want that. But, I figured what the heck, and it turns out it looked really nice! It is the exact opposite of what I thought my grad dress would be, so that's kind of ironic. Its pouffy at the bottom and strapless! Its a really nice color though and I can't wait to take it home! So yeah, that pretty much just makes graduation seem a whole lot closer, and I haven't decided whether that's more of a good thing or bad thing yet. Anyways, I guess that's it for now. See-ya!
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Well, my blog is pressuring me to switch to some google account thing, and I get one last chance on my old one before I have to switch, so here goes, in case I can't get on my blog after this. This week has gone by really fast. I finally finished my first module of Geography, which is awesome, however, there are four more modules to go. For those of you who don't know, modules are big packages of correspondence work for people who choose to take classes that don't have teachers. So yeah, hopefully I'll get that done pretty soon. At work, I got to do a bit of inventory, and, let me tell you, it wasn't that interesting. I had to count some of the shop supplies, and everything was really dusty. It was kind of gross, so I guess that's a hint that I need to get in the back shelves and do some dusting. Anyways, I didn't even finish half of it, so I guess I'll just do as much as I can. I was told by an anonymous source that the mechanic who did it last year didn't finish a lot either haha. Today was pretty uneventful, although I did play volleyball in the gym at lunch, and my team totally got schooled by the grade eights. It was not cool. I couldn't even overhand serve a volleyball when I was in grade eight! Anyways, I guess that's it for now. See-ya!
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Sunday, February 04, 2007