Monday, April 30, 2007

I was so mad with the Dancing With the Stars judges today. They completely ripped off Apollo and Julianne. They said Apollo and Julianne didn't dance as well as they could have, but they still danced better than everyone else, and the judges gave them lousy marks! It's a total double standard. They seemed to judge them harder than everyone else, because they expected more of them. It's great that they expect good things from them, but they can't give them worse marks because of it. The truth of the matter was, on their second dance, they did dance better than everyone else, and their routine had harder tricks. I just don't understand that very well at all, and I probably didn't explain it well, but it all comes down to the fact that I feel that sometimes people have double standards and it ultimately doesn't seem fair to me.
Friday, April 27, 2007

Well, it looks as if I have a cold again. Actually, this is only about the second cold I've had all year, so I should count my blessings. I blame various students in the English class for it. Anyways, I went to the eye doctor today, and I am getting some new glasses! Finally, because the ones I'm wearing now are all bent from P.E. still. I also question their ability to stay on my face when we go on the roller coasters at playland for the grad trip. Speaking of which, I can't wait until grad trip!!! Our school is so lucky because most schools don't get to go on trips because of the overwhelming amount of kids in one grade. Actually, some schools have more students in a class than we have in our whole school. Going back to when I was getting glasses, the shop was about ninety degrees inside, and the sales guy was wearing a sweater vest! I could not believe it. Granted, he was on the elderly side, but there's no way anyone could stand that heat with a sweater vest. At least he was in style. I cannot wait until Pirates of the Caribbean comes to theatres! It's going to be so good, and, in honor of Captain Jack Sparrow, here is a picture of who the character was based on, Keith Richards, looking as youthful as ever lol. Oh, and I had to throw in the Johnny Depp one just because:) Anyways, that's about it for now. Bye!
Monday, April 23, 2007

Today is Monday. Monday, Monday, Monday. This week should in theory go by really fast, since we have two days where we get off early, and I won't be here one day, but I know it won't. This day has already gone by really slow, since I don't have any work to do in Geography. I have to wait for my Module 4, and I left my Module 2 at home so I can't study for my test. So ya, I pretty much talked to Sambo the whole time in my other block, but I'm on my own for this one. I have to go to work after school, and I am pretty sure I will have to wash cars. That is my least favorite job working there. I would rather pull weeds. Nuff said. I hope Trev will drag the hose out to the front of the yard cause it is friggen heavy and covered in mud most of the time. Anyhoo, besides complaining about work, and other various aspects of school, there is not too much happening. Oh, there was a cheese testing lab in home-ec today. The blue cheese was kind of sick, I mean it wasn't terrible, but it definitely wouldn't be something I would eat on a daily basis. The goat cheese was just downright nasty. I wasn't expeting it to be so soft, which threw me off, and it tasted kind of like skim milk with a kick. Not the most pleasant cheese in the world. Monterey was the best. Well, The Apprentice had its finale yesterday, and Stefanie won. I'm glad because she was really smart and very good at organizing things. She gets to work in the Caribbean! Lucky her! That would be awesome to go to the Caribbean, but I have a long list of places I would rather go. For example, Saskatchewan, which might happen thanks to Chrissy! Yay! BATON ROADTRIP!! I can't wait! Oh, I also got my grad pictures done the other day, and they turned out alright. I like how the hairdresser did my hair :) I wish I had naturally curly hair. My cousin does and it annoys me so much when she straightens it. Doesn't she know how lucky she is? Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
Sunday, April 22, 2007

This is a picture from Dancing With the Stars of Apolo Anton Ohno and Julianne Hough dancing the samba. I wanted to get the video, but You Tube was not cooperating! Anyways, this was just one of those dances where everything worked together. The music was great (lots of base!), and the costumes were very cool. I have to give Julianne props...I would never have the nerve to wear my hair like that! For those of you who don't know, Apolo Anton Ohno is a pro speed skater. He has won two gold medals, I believe, and some other medals. In one of his races, he fell and cut his leg, but crawled to the finish line to receive a silver medal! Pretty cool. Julianne Hough is a professional Latin-style dancer, and she is the youngest and only American to ever win the British Junior Latin championship. Together, Apolo and Julianne are amazing dancers, and definitely deserve to win the competition. They always dance well, and are fun to watch! If you haven't watched Dancing With the Stars yet, you should check it out!
Friday, April 20, 2007

Today we got the day off school because it was a non-instructional day. I'm so glad because this week was tiring. Not that I did too much...it was just tiring! The grad class had a bottle drive on Thursday, and I went around and collected bottles for a while. I went to my co-worker's house to see if she had any bottles and I think I just about scared the crap out of her. I went around one side of her house to see if she was home, and I was knocking on the door, and she was actually outside around the other side. She came around the side I was on and jumped about five feet because she wasn't expecting anyone to be there! I don't know why she would have been scared anyway...she has a huge dog! Today, I had to work, and I worked a lot longer than I usually do. I had to clean a few cars, plus the office, like usual. My thumb hurts so bad because I whacked it on a vehicle tailgate yesterday...but of course there is no bruise so nobody believes me! Well, that's pretty much it for now! Bye!
Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday again! I don't know if I really like Sundays. It always feels like you can't really do anything because you have to go to school the next day. On Friday, you have the whole weekend ahead of you! Anyways, I went to Kamloops yesterday and got all my appointments booked for my grad pictures. I have to get my hair done before the pictures, and I can picture how I want it to look in my head, but I can't really describe it so I'll have to find a picture that kind of looks like what I'm thinking about. Actually, I did find a good hair style picture in one of those big hair styles books that you find in hair salons, but it wasn't in the hair salon that I'm planning on going to. I wanted to rip the picture out of the book and take it anyway, but my dad strongly discouraged it. So next weekend is going to be pretty busy, and maybe I'll finally get to take my dress home! Bye!
Friday, April 13, 2007

This has been a fast week. That's most likely because we only had to go for four days. We got Easter Monday off, and next week we get another day off. I think we've finished our photography unit in Journalism, which kind of sucks. It was fun taking pictures! Now, we are starting on the yearbook. We got to look through a whole bunch of our school's old yearbooks to get some ideas of how we wanted our yearbook to look. It was really cool! I found my uncle and aunt in one of the yearbooks, and a whole lot of other people I recognized. I think making the yearbook is going to be awesome! I want to work on the Grade twelve section the most because I saw so many cool things they did for them in the old yearbooks and I want to use those ideas for our yearbook. Besides that, nothing else is really new, but I do have to get my grad pictures done pretty soon. That should be interesting. I want to get my hair done before, but we'll see. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye!
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Well, it's Easter Sunday! The Easter bunny brought a whole bunch of chocolate to our house, and I tested some of it already :) My chocolate bunny from the last blog is still in the fridge, but I take it out every once in a while and annoy my brother by standing by him and jingling the bell on the bunny's collar constantly. The bunny probably won't last much longer though...I think it's going to be eaten for supper. I really don't want to---it's so cute!---but there is only so long chocolate can sit in the fridge before it starts to taste like fridge. I think we are having Easter dinner tomorrow, which will probably be ham. Actually, today feels like a pretty normal day, except I have more chocolate than I did yesterday. I think when you get older, holidays become different. I'm not saying they're not fun anymore, but it's not the same as when you're young. When I was younger I wouldn't even go into the living room the night before Easter because my mom told me if I did the Easter bunny would get scared and go home without leaving any chocolate. Anyways, that's my story. Hope you are all having a good Easter! Bye!
Thursday, April 05, 2007

Well, it is almost time for Easter. I can't believe it! It seems like we were just on spring break and now it's Easter! This week went by really fast. The fact that we got Friday off probably helped with that. I'm getting close to finishing my Geography; I'm almost done Module 3, and then I just have one more module to finish. I tell you though, time really slows down when you're doing Geography. I could have sworn one time when I was working, I thought I'd been working for at least an hour, but no, it had only been fifteen minutes. I'm reading Catcher in the Rye for English class, and it isn't too bad. I think the only reason it's good though is the main character. There's not much action or anything. I really liked when we read The Outsiders for English in Grade 8. That was my favorite novel study. There was also this Easter coloring contest for our high school this week and I won a prize for it! I was pretty happy. The prize was this chocolate bunny (it's in the picture), and I don't even want to eat it now....it's too cute...it has a bell and everything! I want it to stay a bunny forever! My boss made fun of me for it, because her grandaughter had just won a coloring contest, and she's three. The mechanic who works there then proceeded to pick it up, and he had grease all over his hands! Anyways, the bunny's sitting in the fridge right now, waiting for Easter. That's about it for now I guess. Bye!